VT266 - Pre Training Review Evaluation 2020 V1.9.2

Current Version

To be completed by a PTR Authorised Delegate after conducting the Pre-Training Interview

Assessor's Name:
Student ID:
Student/Applicant Name:

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID:
Student/Applicant Name: Parhizikodejnj

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: 696228
Student/Applicant Name: Fatemeh Parhizikodejnj
Course: Diploma of Information Technology

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: 694275
Student/Applicant Name: Lucy Dacre
Course: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: ID696994
Student/Applicant Name: Safia Lali
Course: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: 508837
Student/Applicant Name: Rodriguez, Felipe
Course: Certificate III in Engineering

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: ID682791
Student/Applicant Name: Arwin Lee

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: 700177
Student/Applicant Name: Huijing Lou
Course: Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessor's Name: Winnie Nelson
Student ID: 694228
Student/Applicant Name: Sara Baig
Course: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Assessor's Name: Gail Robinson
Student ID: ID671141
Student/Applicant Name: Betzold, James
Course: Diploma of Information Technology

Assessor's Name: Winnie Nelson
Student ID: ID702355
Student/Applicant Name: Gordana Kotorac
Course: Diploma of Information Technology